Banjo Lemonade Front Home Page Forums General Mountain Dulcimer, small hands and use of pinky

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    • #19431
      Joanne M

        Hi everyone.  Well I have small hands and not a wide finger reach. I would like to make better use of my pinky, but it is pretty weak. I video taped myself playing and noticed that I often put my pinky up in the air.  I get made fun of sometimes because I do this when drinking too (and believe me, it’s not because I am fancy). Anyways… Can anyone relate or have any tips?

      • #19482

          Hi Joanne,

          The best way to fix any flying fingers is to slow and mindfully do exercises using said flying fingers.  So I would start say at your 7th fret with your index, then 6 with middle, then 5 with ring, then 4 with pinky.  I would do this up and down using a slow metronome.

          I actually have to turn my whole hand to use my pinky when playing.  I do use it in some situations for sure.

          • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Mandy.
        • #19486
          Joanne M

            Wow thanks for the advice.

          • #19487
            Joanne M

              Flying fingers made me laugh.

            • #19503
              Lorrie w

                Just so you don’t feel bad .I got the flying pinky too..

                • #19506
                  Jane G

                    I’ll see your flying pinkie and add a frozen index finger🥴. Due to an accident decades ago (and age probably) my index finger sometimes freezes straight out with bend at the first joint at the end. I have to stop and concentrate to bend the finger at the middle joint.

                • #19548
                  Lorrie w


                  • #19594
                    Joanne M

                      In a way I find it beautiful that we will all play a bit differently, maybe because of a physical limitations or just different sizes of hands or whatever.  It makes the music unique, even when we are all playing the same basic song.

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