Banjo Lemonade Front Home Page Forums Site/Technical Issues trouble downloading pdfs that i purchased

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    • #3924

        Hi there, I seem to be having nothing but trouble. I purchased both merlin books and downloaded them, but the files were corrupt and could not be opened. Now I can’t go back and try to download them again. Could you please offer some assistance?

        In addition, I paid $5 on patreon today but I can’t access any of the member content at that level.

        I spent another $10 to get onto the site, but I’m at a loss for what I’m doing wrong, so any help would be appreciated.

      • #3925

          Hello Dustin,

          I am sorry you are experiencing trouble with the downloads. I will look into this ASAP and send them to you via your email shortly.

          Mandy will have to address the Patreon issue as I have no control there.


          • #3930

              thanks very much! I was able to successfully download and view them!

              • #3932

                  Ok good. If you run into any more issues let us know.

                  I do hope you’ll maintain your subscription and learn even more than what’s in the Merlin eBooks. I know she’ll post some more videos and tabs soon and potentially a course that you’ll have full access to.


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