Jon snapped this of me last evening without me knowing it. I look deep in concentration here, but I think I’m looking down at the lyrics on my screen or something. Haha
That knee brace will be a fixture for a long time I’m afraid. Still hobbling around.
I went to local meijer to get my 2nd covid shot…had on a banjolemonade (dulcimer) shirt….and a guy walked up and said ….hey will i see you at the Evart dulcimer festival..? Yes i said. …then he took down website…he’s a banjo guy ..but wants to try dulcimer..yeah!
Haha – ok excellent job Jason getting in the practice any way you can!! Except yeah I’d move to the middle back actually, like I did with the dulcimer on my newest video, haha.
Jane – How the heck do you play cards while driving?? Very carefully I suspect. 😂
I wish I could, not enough room in the back seat of my Nissan Frontier. If it had been a little warmer I’d have got in the bed of the truck and played.