Banjo Lemonade Front Home Page Forums General Challenge ended winner below.

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    • #4303

        All right gang I’m going to issue a challenge.

        Post a video of yourself playing any instrument in any of the the forums(this thread would be great, but anywhere is fine; just reply here and tell me where it is).  The video doesn’t have to be very long, but give us at least 20 seconds. If you’d like constructive criticism please post in the SHOW YOUR PROGRESS forum and ask for tips.  You can’t upload to the site directly; you’ll need to upload to YouTube/Vimeo/DailyMotion/etc. and paste the link here.

        On January 13th I will put the participants usernames in a hat draw and draw a name(if you choose to participate in Mandy’s December Challenge I will add your name twice). The winner will receive a 20oz. tumbler like the one pictured below(I’ll email the winner and ask for your address).

        ****Tumblers are here!


      • #4617

          Happy New Year Jason! I was watching Mandy’s music theory video and tried to transpose the melody to different strings and frets ….  maybe next year I can get rid of the errors and add some chords. 😂
          I added a Christmas song to Mandy’s challenge too!
          Auld Lang syne practice

          • #4620

              Happy New Year! I don’t know much about Dulcimers,  but that sounds great to me.

            • #4637
              Jane G

                Nice.  Happy New Year.

            • #4668
              Jane G

                success 1/ failure 4
                I did post Boil them Cabbage down on the Mandy January Challenge, that was the success.
                Then I tried 4 times to record Home on the Range for this challenge or progress>>> 4 failures on my playing part. GRRR.. I will get this down or maybe over is better term, as in over playing in front of people/camera.

              • #4837

                  Well this here’s a tune on my Christmas mando.  Not anywhere near up to speed of course but I’m getting it.

                  • #4839

                      You really can play anything with strings!!

                      I think I really am going to put tuners/strings on a shovel and send it to you 😂


                      • #4840

                          Lol – well I already have a shovel, but I don’t want to put strings on it.  😂

                          After about 10 years you’ll be able to say the same I bet.  Strings and frets are pretty easy really when you think about it.  It’s when you take off the frets and take a bow to that fiddle that throws me for a loop.  Or stuff without strings.  haha.

                        • #4841
                          Jane G

                            I agree.

                      • #4860

                          everyone’s videos sound so awesome.

                          this is one i did new years eve.  i sure hope it sounds better next year.  : )


                        • #4957

                            We have a winner!

                            Please email your address to me at:

                          • #4960

                              I am so excited!  Thank you so much Jason for doing this.

                              • #4962

                                  WOOOO WHOOOO 🎉 Congratulations Peggy.


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