Banjo Lemonade Front Home Page Forums Strum Machine FULL how to use video here

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  • Author
    • #17372
      • #17376
        John B

          Very cool! Thank you!

        • #17377
          Jane G

            Great demo! NOW I get it.

          • #17380

              Great!  Yes use that sucker, it’s SOOOO GOOOD.

            • #20446
              Pat B

                Oh my!  This has been the best thing yet.  Thank you Mandy.  Just getting back after breaking my wrist.  I’m still in the trial period but using it every day!!  Really wish there were more hours in a day!  I was actually able to add The Far Side Banks of Jordan and They’re Holding Up The Ladder to my list.  I was so happy that it was so easy to do.  Maybe with a little extra practice and I’ll try to post them. I think it has helped me tremendously with my timing.

                This question might not be for this spot but I was wondering do you use the boom chuck strum on the dulcimer?  If yes do you have a video or videos of you using it.  May be its not used on the MD.  At times I think I got it then I seem to lose my way.  You pick the root then strum the chord?  Its probably just a matter of keep practicing.

                Thanks so much.

              • #20447

                  Hey Pat, I’m glad you are enjoying strum machine!  I love it.  You can do sort of a boom chuck thing, Yep root then strum for the most part if you want to do it that way.  I do have some strumming videos if you check under lessons.  I like to hit the bass string by itself on the way back a lot.  I really vary it up though.  But in 4/4 time for sure just revert back to a boom chuck sort of thing.  Or if 3/4 – boom chuck chuck I guess you’d call it.  Or boom chuck-a chuck-a with that back bass.  Have fun.

                  • #20453
                    Pat B

                      Thanks again Mandy,

                      I have to remind myself to go through the other tabs at the top of the page.  As a beginner I went right to the Beginner Mountain Dulcimer Course as suggested and so I hadn’t fully realized everything else that is available on your site.  Wow is all I can say!  You are one busy girl.  Have yourself a Wonderful Mothers Day!

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