Banjo Lemonade Front Home Page Forums General Happy New Year Y’all

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    • #11988

        Hope everyone has a wonderful,  musical, and Blessed 2022!

      • #11989
        Jane G

          Any musical resolutions? My list of songs I want to learn is already toooooo long, without adding any from Mandy’s new 2022 lessons.  Maybe I should resolve NOT to say after every new lesson I want to learn that and mark it favorite???   ( Is there a limit on how many songs you mark as favorite? 🤔). So, I can’t resolve to learn any specific songs.
          I’ll just resolve to keep on learning, practicing and playing.  And not to get any more dulcimers, maybe, no promises, resolution limited to 2022, and not in effect if I visit Folkcraft, or other luthiers.

          • #11991

              I don’t know that it’s a resolution, but I do have a goal to play with others this year.

              Next time I meet up with Mandy and Jon I want to have a real jam session, maybe even video it.

          • #11992

              Hi Everyone and a Happy new year to you all.


              I’m a couple of weeks into the basic clawhammer  banjo course and I was wondering if I should follow one of the other banjo courses alongside like the two finger sty while I’m at it – has anyone else done this and if so I’d love to hear  how you are progressing.

              Thanks a million.


              • #11993

                  I think it’s ok to experiment some, but you’ll progress faster if you stick to one style. I have messed around with 2 finger style some, but found it a distraction from what I really wanted to learn.

                  • #12012

                      I wouldn’t recommend it Ged.  Give your attention to what you really want to learn first.  Invest the time it takes to learn it and be a solid late beginner before trying other styles (just my opinion).


                • #11994
                  Lorrie w

                    To all 🍋friends ,

                    HAPPY NEW YEAR’S

                    2022 ..the year of MUSIC!

                    Resolution: not to miss a challenge…wish me luck!🍀.

                    • #12015

                        You can do it Lorrie!

                    • #11997

                        That makes sense Jason – good to hear someone else’s experience.


                      • #12014

                          Happy New Years to all!

                          We are sick here unfortunately.  But at least we made it past Christmas this year before everyone got sick.  Haha.

                          Let’s have a MUSIC FILLED year!  It’s gonna be FUN.

                          Music resolutions –

                          Banjo – get some more full arrangements with some up the neck pieces added, *more fiddle tunes

                          Dulcimer – buckle down and become what I consider **a pro, or at least get closer to that goal this year.  Also continue to “improvise” when playing, I’ve started doing this to backing tracks or Jon playing and it’s pretty fun and I’m learning a lot. *More fiddle tunes.

                          More playing, less “work” – meaning work less than 4000 hours per week!  That’s what it feels like at times (though I love what I do).  I need to keep up my practice time, I’d like to work towards 2-3 solid hours per day (but it may not be possible with schedule, family, etc).  I also need to stop answering site related things 24/7.  It’s a tough balance.  (And I don’t mean forum stuff, that’s not work).

                          This goal – (not fun) – work on more music theory!  Well part of it is fun but most of it is not.  I’m more of a by ear or feel player so this is like math to me almost.  Haha.

                          DISCLAIMERS – haha

                          *More Fiddle Tunes – Why you ask?  Because that is what everyone knows, they are standards.  (So what do I recommend you learn a lot of???? You guessed it – Fiddle tunes!)

                          **A Pro dulcimer player – yes I’d really like to get much more confident on dulcimer.  I can confidently play my style, but I need to become more well rounded in multiple areas, really dig into learning a ton more up the neck stuff, and become a more confident stage performer.  And figuring out what to say when performing is really hard for me for some reason (you may laugh since I’m in front of a camera all the time but it’s different).



                          • #12019

                              You forgot to mention a couple instruments…


                              Hope y’all feel better quick, you got lots of music to make 😉




                            • #12020

                                 I also need to stop answering site related things 24/7.

                                Yes, definitely.  You work a ton for us and definitely need to limit yourself to normal(ish) working hours at least.

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