Banjo Lemonade Front Home Page Forums Site/Technical Issues International Addresses

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    • #3599
      Paul Joseph B


        Your area for putting shipping addresses only includes English speaking countries. There is no option for Spain.

        I realise that you probably don’t have many Spanish clawhammer students but you do have one.

        Furthermore, you might attract some down Mexico way or other far away places. I do hope we get international in here.

        By the way, being Irish I am jealous that the Brits get a button and the Emerald Isle doesn’t. Who wrote the original tunes?

        Come on, Mandy, look further a field!


      • #3601

          Hello and Welcome!

          I’ve adjusted the list of countries that the software provider had selected by default. You should see Spain, Mexico, and Ireland in the list now 😉 (as well as a whole bunch more).

          Let us know if you notice any more issues.

        • #3604
          Paul Joseph B

            Haha! I spoke more in jest than anything else but clawhammer must take over the world! Bum-ditty is the answer.

          • #3605

              Hey Paul,

              Here’s what I had over at patreon, as time goes on we will get more I’m sure.

              Austria, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Spain, France, UK, Ireland, Sweden, Slovakia!

              I only saw that for this year because of that tax thing patreon did, so it lists the countries I have. NEAT.

              Oh and you are not really Spanish, you are an Irishman! That reminds me I do have one here, who is an American living in the Netherlands.

              Thanks Jason for working with that.

            • #3607
              Paul Joseph B

                Yes, I am an Irishman but married to a Spanish lady and have three children, a greyhound and a cat.

                They say back home that a man is born where God wants but dies in his wife’s village.

                I am frailing away surrounded by flamenco music. Mind you, I love Spanish music too. Spanish is the loving tongue, as the song goes.

                • #3614

                    Oh yes flamenco is wonderful!  Interesting saying.  I can understand that, God will put you where you are needed (and women definitely need strong men 😉).

                    What do you think of tenor banjo?  (Since all the Trad Irish playing is that).  Just curious. I enjoyed it but whew both wrists would hurt so bad playing that style for me so I had to stop.


                • #3615
                  Paul Joseph B

                    I love Irish music and it sounds great on the tenor banjo. But I’ve never played one.

                    I started on the ukulele by learning through YouTube. Then I came across clawhammer banjo lessons and decided to give it a go.

                    It suits me and I love the music it makes. Clawhammer has become one of my hobbies and although I want to get better, it relaxes me and gives me joy (and frustration).

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