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    • #6964

        I don’t like asking but, please pray for my knee for me. I’ve injured it several weeks ago just walking. I’m getting an MRI next week for it because it’s just not getting better.

        I’m needed a LOT here and having to sit and not walk around on it much is no fun. So many chores and having to talk my poor husband through cooking the easiest dish (at least he’s trying).

        I do believe God can intervene so that maybe by next week it will be much better. Pray for healing for me. Thank you so much in advance.

        Also – my mom turned 77 today! She’s at the gym doing Zumba as I type this. Hallelujah, we are going to have cake and presents for her this evening.

        I am so blessed to get to be a part of all this and I am very thankful.
        God bless you!

      • #6970
        Lorrie w


        • #6975

            You are always in my prayers, but happy to pray some extra for God’s healing power.

            Happy Birthday to your Mom!

            James 5:
            13 Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms
            14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:
            15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
            16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much

          • #6998

              Happy Birthday 🎁🎂🎉 to your Mom. I’m not sure what they do at Zumba, but if it’s dancing I’ll join in!
              praying for your knee to heal. 🙏💙, I have faith you’ll be better soon.

            • #7006

                Thanks y’all. Yes Charlene, Zumba is dancing and she loves it.

              • #7217
                Lorrie w

                  Mandy…how is that knee doing?… pray you are on the mend..

                • #7232

                    Hey Lorrie,

                    Had an MRI yesterday.  They called today and it’s a torn meniscus.  That with arthritis right in that spot making matters worse.  He said full radial tear and that I need it scoped.  YUCK!

                    So now I’m on the hunt for a cash surgeon.  Looks like I may be going to Birmingham Alabama for it, about 4 hours away.

                    Thanks for asking!  Spring has sprung here so I just want to be outside and working in the garden and such, but oh well.  God has other plans for me right now.

                  • #7234
                    Lorrie w

                      Mandy…so sorry to hear that… i had the surgery…and now knee is back to normal..   looks like God does have other plans for you.. continued prayers for a speedy recovery..          I had a customer (nurse) every time she would see me she would say “toes over your nose” to help with swelling…so i spent time with leg up…over back of helped alot..

                      Take extra care of yourself..


                    • #7235

                        Thanks for the tip Lorrie!  It’s driving me crazy having to not move around much.  Jon and Amber are a huge blessing though and are taking up the slack and cooking and cleaning.

                        Thank you!  Hope you are loving that new duclimer!



                      • #7386

                          *Update –

                          Headed off to Birmingham, Alabama tomorrow for my first appointment with an orthopedic surgeon.  4 hour drive one way.

                          • #7402
                            Jane G

                              Hopefully some one else driving so you keep you leg up so doc can evaluate better. 🤞🏻 Get Er done.

                          • #7400

                              My thoughts are with you and hoping your appointment goes well. Fair weather and smooth sailing! ❤️🙏

                            • #7406
                              John B

                                Hi Mandy, Sending thoughts and prayers and hoping that old knee gets back to normal. Guess we’re all gonna miss the summer Olympics! Oh well! Better just take it easy and heal up. We’re all thinking about you!!

                              • #7411

                                  Thanks everyone! I’m scheduled for surgery this coming Monday. The doctor recommend that as the best thing to fix it. Jane – yes Jon took me. He would never let me do that alone (he’s a huge blessing to me).

                                  Whew after a very long day my knee was gigantic and hurting like crazy when we got home. But I’m so happy to have found this Christian doctor who goes out of his way to help cash patients like me. It would have cost 3 times as much to have it done here locally.

                                  So we will eat Easter Sunday dinner with mom and then head off in the afternoon to spend the night there in Birmingham. Amber and mom will hold down the fort here and take care of all the critters. Hallelujah- HE IS RISEN!!!

                                  Thank you all so much for your prayers and well wishes. Doc said I’d be up and around pretty quick after probably too.

                                • #7416
                                  John B

                                    Mandy, We’ll all be thinking about you with thoughts and prayers. Hope you and your family enjoy many blessings this Easter weekend.
                                    Good luck with the surgery, and speedy recovery. Didn’t mention but I know something of Alabama. I live/work in NY but also work in Decatur Alabama.
                                    Good Luck, Happy Easter!

                                    • #7470

                                        Whew John that’s a long commute! haha

                                    • #7502
                                      John B

                                        Be thinking bout you Monday, get that knee sorted out and back home safe! 🙂

                                      • #7677

                                          Happy Easter and my prayers with you for your surgery and speedy recovery. 🌷💓

                                        • #7679
                                          John B

                                            Good luck tomorrow. We’re all thinking of ya!! 🙂

                                          • #7680
                                            Lorrie w

                                              Happy Easter…
                                              Praying for you…safe travels..healing surgery..
                                              Take extra care of yourself..🍋

                                            • #7681


                                                Mandy said she’s OK and in the car headed home.

                                                • #7691
                                                  Jane G


                                                • #7687

                                                    Praise God for hearing our prayers, thanks Jason for the update.

                                                  • #7692

                                                      We are home! Whew. Thanks for the prayers and well wishes. Doc told Jon it was pretty ragged (the piece) and he cut it out and smoothed everything out. So I’m excited about getting on the recovery road. Lorrie – It’s propped way up high.

                                                      Peace, love, and Jesus!

                                                    • #7693
                                                      John B

                                                        Very good news!! Rest up and feel better soon!! 🙂

                                                      • #7694
                                                        Lorrie w

                                                          Mandy.. thats good…. don’t forget the frozen bag of peas..which I planted some peas today…praying for your speedy recovery…🤗

                                                        • #7695
                                                          Chuck H

                                                            Hi Mandy,
                                                            Glad to hear your surgery went well. Prayers for a speedy recovery. I’m just over in Hiawassee if you need help with anything.

                                                          • #7768
                                                            John B

                                                              Hope you’re feeling better!! We’re all thinking bout you!! 🙂

                                                            • #7769

                                                                Hey Y’all. Thanks! I’m doing almost nothing having my leg up. Going crazy wanting to play and walk around. Just off my crutches now and able to walk on it some. Doing good though thanks so much.

                                                                Hope y’all have a great weekend! Play some MUSIC for me.

                                                              • #7783

                                                                  Hi Mandy.  I am a bit behind on the forum.  Happy your surgery went well.  Prayers for your speedy recovery.   Glad you have a great support team.

                                                                • #8046
                                                                  Lorrie w

                                                                    Hey Mandy,

                                                                    How’s that knee doing?

                                                                    Pray your healing well….


                                                                    • #8048

                                                                        Hey thanks, it’s getting better a bit each day.  I can do more and more so I’m glad.  Still some residual pain from the surgery I think and it pops a lot.  Which is pretty new, but it just adds to my whole popcorn popper walk with both my ankles popping also.  HA!

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