Banjo Lemonade Front Home Page Forums General Number Of Lessons On Site – Running tally

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    • #3356

        Just letting y’all know as of right now there are 280 lessons on the site!  I’m adding more and more each day.  I’ll keep a running tally for you.

        I’ll try and update this for you weekly so you see how things are coming along.  There is a TON more to come.

      • #3703

          Up to 303 lessons on the site now!

          Put the finishing touches on both the Beginning Clawhammer Course, and Beginning Mountain Dulcimer Courses.  So get in there and get working in those.

          Starting today to work on a Beginning Merlin, and a 2 Finger Banjo course as well.


        • #4112

            As of today – 336 lessons total

            Clawhammer – 167

            Dulcimer – 90

            Merlin – 68

            2 finger – 35

          • #4895

              Up to 398 as of today.

              Not counting the extra Lessons that are in Courses (some are duplicates from the counted posts).


            • #4917

                Awesome job Mandy.  I am loving the site.  My dulcimer journey definitely needed some structure and direction.   Very helpful.

              • #4918
                Jane G

                  Oh yes or is it oh no?? Just joking, after 9 months I am still finding new treasures, tips, lessons or songs. So the oh no = so much on Banjolemonade and so little time 😀

                • #4920

                    Thank you both, I am working hard to try and add quality lessons for you.

                  • #7104

                      Haven’t updated this in awhile! Running tally of lessons –

                      Clawhammer banjo – 189

                      Mountain Dulicmer – 133

                      Merlin – 112

                      2 Finger – 52

                      This is only for each instrument. There are also many more that are Bible related, and Guitar and Mando stuff which are not included in the above numbers.

                      I’m also improving the older lessons by converting the tabs into Tabledit files for you so you can use the amazing TEF files!

                    • #9248

                        Been awhile since I updated this –  NEW TOTALS

                        clawhammer banjo – 219 

                        mountain dulcimer – 171

                        2 finger banjo – 55

                        merlin – 123

                        One thing to note here is that I am discontinuing NEW lessons on the merlins.  I simply do not have the time to do everything and something had to give.  So there will be more new 2 finger thumb lead banjo as well as the other categories.  The banjo to dulcimer ratio will be 50/50 on new lessons.

                        I aim to do a clawhammer banjo and a standard dulcimer NEW lesson each week.  The 2 finger thumb lead banjo and alternate dulcimer (baritone, lap-jo, 1.5 fret) will be not every week, but will alternate around with me attempting to put out those bi-weekly as I am able.  This is not set in stone or anything and some weeks will be more of everything or more of 1 or 2 of these.

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