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    • #3013

        After you have prayed for those that are lost, please pray for my uncle, aunt, and some cousins. They are very sick with Covid.

        Also, my wife’s cousin was just released from the hospital and is at home on ozygen; but is not completely out of the woods.

        Uncle Teddy got to go home last week and is improving daily; his wife didn’t have to be hospitalized and is out and about like normal.

        My wife’s cousin is off oxygen now and recovering well.

        • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Jason. Reason: Update
        • This topic was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Jason.
      • #3090

          Jason they are in my prayers brother!

        • #3526

            I’m praying your family has a speedy recovery! 🙏

          • #3527

              Thanks y’all. I’ll update the original post too. Uncle Teddy got to go home last week and is improving daily; his wife didn’t have to be hospitalized and is out and about like normal.

              My wife’s cousin is off oxygen now and recovering well.





            • #3656

                I added all of you to my prayer list Jason.

                An idea for a Christmas tradition my wife just showed me, if anyone is interested.

                Starting December 1, Read one chapter in Luke each day, 1, 2, 3, … 24  On Christmas Eve you will have read the entire account of Jesus’s life and wake up Christmas morning knowing WHO and WHY we celebrate!

                Another Christmas tradition we have practiced for many years.  We put all the Christmas cards received on the wall, then each night at dinner time someone gets to pick one and we pray for who sent it.  Some times we put them back up and get to pray for them all again.

                Our church encourages all to set their phone alarms to ring at 10:02 and at that time we all Pray Luke 10:02 For the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.

                Just a few ideas, May the Lord Bless you all

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