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Tagged: faith
- This topic has 8 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 9 months ago by
January 3, 2021 at 7:28 am #4659
I am wondering if questions on belief – how it has shaped you and its roll in your life from the perspective of a non-religious person – would be ok here? Completely ok if this is not a forum for these kinds of questions.
Being brought up in Sweden, religion has really never been a thing. Note that my perspective of a non-believer seems to be very, very different from the anti-theists of America. Mine is just that, non-belief – a lack of belief rather than an adverse position towards those of faith. However, since Sweden is a Christian country originally most of our traditions has been in line with Christianity-light (holiday visits to churches, school endings in church etc).
Listening to a lot of country, and following many, many youtube channels where faith is a strong component, I am always curious on the topic. Note that I don’t come with a finished set of questions, I am just generally curious. 😀
Let me know what you think.
January 3, 2021 at 11:04 am #4660
Questions are encouraged regardless of whether you are a believer or not. I may not be able to answer, but I will try.
January 4, 2021 at 6:10 pm #4701
I am wondering if questions on belief – how it has shaped you and its roll in your life from the perspective of a non-religious person – would be ok here?
Hey Mattias! First of all YES you are welcome to ask any questions you like as long as it’s in a respectful way. I’m sorry to have to say that but you even acknowledged in your post that American Athiests are very pushy.
Ok so to answer your question, hmmm. I grew up with no religion in my home. There wasn’t any anti-religion or anything but we did not attend church or pray or anything like that. From there even at an early age I “felt” deep down that there was “more” to life. So when I was a late teen I actually leaned toward thinking there was no God. In my twenties I was still having feelings like there must be more, but I was very unsure and had no one to talk to about it. (I was married at 18), we didn’t attend church. I was exposed to a few different churches over the years after attending with friends. But I found God on my own, in my living room, in January 2001. First – in order to really understand everything you must be exposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I never had been. I grew up in the southern US also (this area is known as the Bible Belt and there are lots and lots of churches everywhere).
So I heard a preacher on tv and he was telling the gospel. At first I thought it can’t be that simple. I got saved right there in my living room a few days later. Right away I tried to read the Bible but I had problems and (no guidance from other Christians). But the “work” of salvation was done. I accepted the free gift and my fate was sealed to heaven from that day on. I didn’t understand everything (still don’t), and I’m still a sinner like everyone else in this world. It wasn’t until several years later that God started nudging me. I don’t know how to describe it other than that. I knew right from wrong in life of course, but I had no direction and I was not obedient to God.
I don’t want to write too much of a book here, but years later several choices I had made were completely influenced by God. And I was very happy about that, so from then on I let God lead me in everything I did. Everything! Complete submission is what is needed. Then you will be free and open and understand a lot more. God will reveal things to you as you read His word also.
If you have more questions I’d be happy to discuss anything with you. I couldn’t possibly tell you everything here. But my life at this moment is completely shaped by my faith in God. I’m happier and more at peace than in my entire life. I don’t really call it religion though (I feel that is man made). I do attend a church, but it is not necessary to do so (though it is great to fellowship with other Christians). But a church “building” is not required. And please understand I’m no Bible scholar, nothing other than a Christian sister who wants to show love to all people (Christian or not), through Jesus Christ.
Thank you for your question and I hope that shed a bit of light on the subject for you from my perspective.
January 5, 2021 at 8:49 pm #4780
Great Discussion – I am a believer, but I do not read my Bible and study it like I should.
I don’t know why because when I do, I am always amazed at how much better I feel and how
much it influences the way I handle things. (in a good way) Your faith is one of the main things
that attracted me to this site and your lessons. I love all the lessons (I play Mountain Dulcimer
and Clawhammer Banjo) and who doesn’t need a reminder about how much Jesus loves them.
Keep up the good work and thanks for adding open discussions like this one where we can all
learn from each other.
May 3, 2021 at 11:47 am #8350
Thank you all.
Some things in Mandy’s response stood out to me.
I grew up with no religion in my home. There wasn’t any anti-religion or anything but we did not attend church or pray or anything like that.
^ This pretty much describes growing up in Sweden, for many of us (although in no way do I claim to speak for all of us). We attended church when school terms ended, as well as sometimes around Christmas, but it was never a religious “thing” – just tradition. Since the vikings turned Christian it has been a cultural influence obviously. Still, as was mentioned, the lack of faith here (for most people) is not being against faith. I think most Swedes would be considered as agnostic if anything. We are mostly as believing/unbelieving as your average believer, it is just one more god we don’t have a firm stance on – if that makes sense. I hope I do not come across as rude with the last comment, I truly did not intend to.
I don’t really call it religion though (I feel that is man made). I do attend a church, but it is not necessary to do so (though it is great to fellowship with other Christians). But a church “building” is not required.
This struck at tone with me. I see faith as something that can be beautiful, but organized religion is something I can’t fully grasp. I do understand the sense of belonging, and I see the community aspect as potentially powerful and strengthening in itself. For us I think it is reached by a sense of belonging in nature, or perhaps that is just me. 🙂
It is very interesting reading about your belief and experiences. Once more, thank you all for responding.
May 3, 2021 at 9:43 pm #8367
No nothing rude there Mattias.
If you’d be interested I would gladly send you a KJV Bible over there to Sweden.
And if you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to ask here or at my personal email any time.
May 11, 2021 at 4:50 pm #8538
Have you ever heard of Bo Giertz? There are two books I read once a year. One is “The Hammer of God”. The other is “Faith Alone”. Both are excellent and have been very influential in my life. He was Swedish, and a very good writer. Anyway, check them out if you get a chance.
May 16, 2021 at 5:56 am #8602
Thank you both. Mandy, thank you for your offer. I fear I am the wrong target group, however. As a sidetone, I have a load of bibles in my home already since I enjoy old books – I think the oldest one is a couple of hundred years old (and a very hard ready due to typography and language). What is the difference between the King James Version (?) and others?
Douglas, I will check them out!
May 16, 2021 at 9:16 am #8603
Hey Mattias, I believe the King James Bible is the inspired word of God. I don’t say that lightly, I believe those are the words God wanted us to have in the English language. The translations since then change the doctrine, try and remove the deity of Christ, the virgin birth, remove complete verses, and so much more. I do believe the KJV is the best choice in the English language. I also believe that it is the devil who is prompting people to create hundreds of translations in order to do what he does best – confuse and deceive. Have you by chance read any of those Bibles you have? I know you said the type and language (I’m guessing the old English, or is it something else?) were hard to read. The more you read the Bible the more you understand, though no one will ever understand all the mysteries of the Bible. People usually have trouble understanding Shakespeare at first too, but you won’t see hundreds of altered versions. Isn’t that interesting. There are some versions that claim to be more readable because the KJV is too difficult.
If you are sincerely interested in finding the differences in the KJV and newer versions there are quite a few books on it. Here is a great short article to read detailing exactly what I’m talking about.
Head down to the 2nd table there – The NIV is the most common translation here in the US. The NIV -OMITS the words, Christ, Lord, Jesus, and God, over a combined 1,000 times. The words Devil, Heaven, Hell, and Blood are also removed. If you remove these words – you remove everything. If you attack the deity, the blood, and the existence of a heaven and hell, whew – talk about watering down the message. There are also 16 entire verses that were removed in the NIV – they are completely removed. You will see the verse before, and the verse after.
A couple more things – each one of these new translations has a copyright in it, meaning they must change 10% in order to get that copyright. Once there is a copyright, people can no longer write down, share, or speak those verses to others without being in violation of that copyright. Some of this is also about money. I can freely type the entirety of the KJV here, or I can get on youtube and read it to people, I can discuss any of the verses as well without ever being in violation of any copyright.
Also – the devil will try and get people to want to question everything about it in regards to the Hebrew and Greek. If a person must learn their original tongue, as well as Hebrew and Koine Greek, the chances of anyone doing that are quite small, so again that is removing many many people from ever even attempting to read or understand the word of God. So only very few “scholars” will actually “understand” the words of God, so you will need them to even know what the word of God says at all. See how the author of confusion works here?
Continuously attacking the “seed” of God is what the devil did during Bible times. He did much more as well during those times. But today he attacks us spiritually, he attacks the Holy Word of God, he tries to confuse everything. He is very much a success here on Earth as the Bible tells us he will be. He is the prince of power, the prince of this world.
Ephesians 2:2
2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:John 12:31
31 Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.2 Timothy 2:24-26
24 And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,25 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;
26 And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.
Thank you for asking questions. I hope that answered some of them for you.
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