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    • #20580
      Beth H

        I signed up for the free 30 day trial of strum machine. I play the mountain dulcimer. I have watched your instructional videos but I still am not sure how to play along. Should I be playing chord melody following my tab or am I suppose to follow along with just the chords?

      • #20581

          Both. I don’t play dulcimer(yet), but I practice melodies with banjo and mandolin as well as playing chords(especially chop chords on mando). One of the best ways to practice any instrument really.

          Mandy will be back on Monday(probably) with a clearer answer.

        • #20582
          Beth H

            Thank you Jason!

            • #20716

                Hey Beth, sorry I missed this post.  Let us know if you have any further questions.  I do have a few video lessons on how to use strum machine.  Just type in Strum Machine up at the search bar after clicking on lessons.

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