FREE Box Dulcimer Build Plans *with printable materials and cuts list! – VIDEO FREE Box Dulcimer Build Plans. Step By Step.
Fretboard Notes and more | 1.5 fret dulcimer Fretboard notes and more for those with the 1.5 fret. (You should learn this).
Fretboard Notes Exercise – Clawhammer Banjo Intermediate This is a good tool to use to work on your ear and get you moving around the fretboard.
Full Practice Session Walk Through Here is a video on How To Practice. I take you through what I give students.
Fun 2 Measure D Lick #1 – Dulcimer (fun & moveable) Here’s a super fun lick to learn to spice up your playing.
G Major Pentatonic scale FUN with tabs! Why are scales boring? Because of your teacher, you can make them fun. See how inside.
G Major Scale # 2 banjo Let’s work on another way to play this scale. Tabs, practice tracks and more.
G Major Scale #1 banjo- good finger warm up Here is a great warm up exercise using our G major scale.
G Model Merlin – Strumming Pattern #2 – beginner course Fun practice pattern for G model. From the course.