BRAND NEW COURSE UP!! Clawhammer For my ALL-ACCESS members, I’ve just completed a new course. It’s a Double C pack. Head to the courses tab and check it out. YAHOOO YOU GET A TON of…
Brush & Drop Exercises – Clawhammer Beginner (after you get the basic stroke) Here’s some next steps for you after you get the basic clawhammer stroke. Tabs and TEF file are here for you.
Bury Me Beneath The Willow Play Along -chords & lyrics on screen Play along with chords and lyrics on screen for you!
Change your banjo strings – SUPER FAST WAY Easy EASY way to change your banjo strings. Works on any stringed instrument.
Clawhammer – embellishments – don’t miss this one! Good concepts here to make you think about your embellishments.
Clawhammer Mini-Lesson 1 | The Basic Stroke (great refresher also) Here’s #1 in a series of mini-lessons for clawhammer. This is a great quick refresher too!
Clawhammer Mini-Lesson 2 | The String Finder A small but MIGHTY lesson! Take your time and get these right.
Clawhammer Mini-Lesson 3 | Double Thumbing Thumb TIME!!! Use these quick mini-lessons to brush up on skills.
Clawhammer Mini-Lesson 4 | basic with double This fun and quick lesson will get you working multiple skills all at once!