Black Mountain Rag (LOTS HERE) -learn without tab This lesson is packed with 7 videos. Taking you step by step through learning this song without the use of tabs.
Boil Them Cabbage – PLAY ALONG – Beginner (All Instruments) A super fun play along for everyone! With video, chord sheet, and videos for multiple instruments explaining how to play along.
Boil Them Cabbage | Reading Hands | DAA Here’s a great reading hands practice mini-lesson to work on.
Boil Them Cabbage Beginner Chord Version For the beginner course, this lesson plays through the chord version of this song. With tabs and practice tracks.
Boil Them Cabbage Chords – Dulcimer Beginner *Tef (easy) Great beginner song and practice here. Tabs and TEF.
Boil Them Cabbage Down DAA – Dulcimer -2 Tabs and 2 TEF’s! Here’s a tune 2 LEVELS from my newest ebook for you! Tabs and TEFS, and audio play through.