London Bridges Beginner Dulcimer -**TABS and TEF Here is a great beginner song for you! Tabs and practice metronome and bonus audio track play along.
Keep On The Sunny Side Dulcimer Played at several speeds on screen for you with tabs and practice tracks.
Cripple Creek Dulcimer with variations Here is a super fun version of this with 2 B part variations for you.
Chicken Fer Supper Tabs in DAD and DAA This original was written by my daughter Amber and I in the style of old time songs. I hope you enjoy this fun tune!
Up On The Housetop Dulcimer Here is a fun and easy version of this Christmas tune. In the video I show you how to improve on the song also.
Camptown Races Dulcimer 2 versions and Bonus low tab Here’s a great campfire song for you! Make it a sing along with the whole family.
Liza Jane Dulcimer REG & 1.5 fret tabs Here is a really fun tune for you. Tabs and practice tracks included.