Proverbs 2

Always remember, Jesus loves you!


  1. charlene p

    In these first few chapters of Proverbs, I’m trying to understand“fear.”
    “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” “ Then thou shalt understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God.”
    My mind wants to substitute “fear” with “love” then I feel closer to understanding a loving God….?

    • Mandy

      Hey Charlene, God is like our father in heaven. We should be very afraid of his wrath and want to avoid it by obeying him. The fear of God is a very good thing. Proverbs 1:7 – the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Don’t try and replace the words. You will see many other verses in Proverbs that say “the fear of the Lord”. I believe that the King James Bible is the Holy, and Perfect, Word of God, given to men by inspiration. In -Psalm 12:6-7 we are told that God’s word is both pure and protected forever. God is very loving to those who are righteous people, bad things of course still happen to us (as they do with the unsaved person) but God is with us if we seek him out. Righteous people are those who are living a “right” life and obeying God, but all of us still sin and make mistakes as it says in Romans 3:23. But by faith through grace we are saved by Jesus Christ – Ephesians 2:8-9. Just keep reading sister, listen to some good preachers on youtube, I can recommend some if you need, the more you read, hear, think, and pray about the Holy Word of God, you will then begin to understand things about it. You are going great! God bless you sister.

  2. charlene p

    Thanks Mandy, I bookmarked this site. 💙

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