Just letting you know you will see changes as we working on improving the website look and feel as you work your way through it.
Everything we are doing is in an attempt to make a better experience for you.
We are working on getting rid of the small pictures (icons) and turning each lesson title into just a list, so that on each page you will see a bunch more results and can pick from them easier without scrolling as much. You will still have to scroll some or view pages, but it should be quicker to find what you are looking for anyway.
Please bare with us as we work on improving everything. If you are having trouble finding anything you can always hit that contact form as well.
Thank you for your patience while we do some housekeeping.
Sounds great Mandy š
you have a vision! love the courses!
I like what I am seeing. Easier to get to things and to see ALL there is to see.